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Aquatic Weed Treatments

Control aquatic weeds in your dam your way. We stock a variety of different manual tools, lake bottom blankets, herbicides and probiotics—to reduce nutrients and starve out weeds. Tackle any aquatic weed, whether floating, submerged or emergent.

Aquatic ecosystems are essential to our planet’s biodiversity, providing habitats for various plant and animal species. Without a balance, these ecosystems can experience the rapid growth of aquatic weeds. These tenacious plants can quickly dominate water surfaces and hinder the natural balance.

Eliminating these stubborn weeds can help you restore the ecosystem and the health of your water. Many treatments are available, and with the help of Love My Dam, you can achieve effective weed control before it gets out of hand.

Learn about our extensive range of aquatic weed treatments above. 

Understanding Weed Control

Aquatic weeds, also known as water weeds, are plant species that have adapted to live and grow in marine environments. These settings include lakes, rivers, small dams, ponds and wetlands. 

Unlike traditional terrestrial plants, these organisms have evolved to survive in propagated water. They do this by absorbing nutrients from the water column to help them float and gain access to sunlight. The distribution of these weeds also stems from climate, water temperature and human activities such as fishing and urban development. 

Weed control is crucial for preserving aquatic ecosystems. Unchecked weed growth can deteriorate water quality, reduce biodiversity and hinder recreational activities like fishing and boating. Therefore, you must implement effective weed management measures to protect your water and the species that live in it. 

Why Are Aquatic Weed Treatments Important?

Aquatic weed treatments are vital because they maintain the balance of water bodies in shallow water. They also reduce free-floating weeds that turn water bright green or completely cover the surface. Implementing aquatic weed control protects the environment and saves you money on long-term water treatments. 

The following are some other reasons for using effective weed management strategies.

  • Ecosystem health: Aquatic weeds can overtake native vegetation and disrupt the natural balance of species and organisms. Reducing floating and emergent weeds will preserve aquatic flora. 
  • Preventing invasive species: Many weeds are invasive species that quickly spread and destroy native plants. Regular treatments are essential in preventing further proliferation of invasive weeds and protecting the natural ecosystem in your water. 
  • Sustainable water resource management: By managing aquatic weeds, you can ensure the long-term sustainability of water resources. Whether that’s for drinking water supply, agricultural irrigation or industrial use.
  • Efficient agriculture: In agricultural settings, aquatic weeds can clog irrigation systems and drainage channels. This process may also affect crop production, meaning you must reduce dam, lake or pond weeds to maintain efficient agriculture practices.

Common Aquatic Weed Treatments 

Aquatic weed treatments can manage and control troublesome weeds in water bodies. These treatments encompass various methods that preserve the ecological balance of natural aquatic plants. Understanding these solutions can help you choose a treatment that works best for your weed population. 

Here are some common aquatic weed treatments.


You can physically remove invasive plants that grow in shallow water. Hand-pulling, raking, cutting, dredging and muck removal are some examples of mechanical methods. These treatments are suitable for localised weed infestations and sensitive aquatic habitats that cannot come into contact with herbicides. 

Love My Dam stocks a wide range of manual products for picking out aquatic weeds, one being the DeSkuzzer. This tool can help you scrape azolla, duckweed, string algae and floating leaves from the water’s surface. 

Watch our YouTube video to learn how to use the DeSkuzzer for your water body.


Herbicides are chemicals that help to control vegetation. They come in various formulations, including contact and systemic. Contact herbicides are a rapid treatment that kills the plant directly, while systemic herbicides are absorbed by the plant. In turn, the plant starts to die on the inside. 

At Love My Dam, we sell an aquatic weed killer to eliminate floating, emergent and subsurface species. This solution dries out the plants and stops them from growing. You can use it for your entire water body or treat a specific spot. 


Biological control involves using pathogens, herbivorous fish and natural predators to compete with aquatic weeds. These natural sources provide a sustainable, long-term solution to control invasive species. 

Common biological treatment includes Biostim solutions that contain bacterial cultures, enzymes and nutrients. Adding these products to the water provides competition for the available nutrients and speeds up the breakdown of weeds and organic waste after a herbicide or algaecide treatment, rebalancing the ecosystem. You can get Biostim treatments in the form of pellets, powder and liquid, depending on your preferences. 

We recommend pairing your chosen treatment with our Biostim Accelerator to reduce the chances of weeds returning. 

What Aquatic Weed Treatment Should I Use for My Water Feature?

Love My Dam stocks various water treatments to help your water feature flourish. Whether you want to banish weeds or control algae, there are plenty of products to suit your needs. You can browse our selection of treatments and get the next business day dispatch offer. 

Effective weed treatments are key to preserving your natural ecosystem. By employing a combination of mechanical, chemical and biological methods, you can safeguard your aquatic environment.

To learn more about aquatic weed treatments, contact us today. We can help you find a solution that restores your water body and eliminates stubborn weeds from its root system.