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Cupricide Algaecide (20L)

$699.99 INC GST

SKU: 02-CUPALG20L Categories: , ,

Cupricide Algaecide (20L)

General information and treatment notes

Under field conditions Cupricide is effective in controlling a wide spectrum of algae including: Chara, Spirogyra, Cladophora, Vaucheria, Ulothrix, Microcystis and Oscillatoria. For planktonic (suspended) algae and free-floating filamentous algae mats, application rates should be based upon treating only the upper 50 to 100cm of water where algae is growing. Under heavy infestation treat only 1/2 to 1/3 of the water body at a time to avoid fish suffocation caused by oxygen depletion from decaying organic matter. Allow 2 weeks for oxygen levels to recover before repeat applications of Cupricide.

For use in lakes, potable water reservoirs, farms, fish and industrial ponds, fish hatcheries, rice paddies, raceways, crop and non-crop, irrigation conveyance systems, ditches, canals and laterals.

Protection of the Environment

  • Do not use in water containing trout if the hardness of the water is less than 50ppm.
  • Use Cupricide with extreme caution in waters of any hardness containing Australian native fish or crustacea. Cupricide may be toxic to these species and should only be used if the algal infestation is itself posing a serious threat to fish.
  • Do not discharge Cupricide treated water into rivers or lakes without the authority of the Environmental Protection Authority.
  • Do not treat drinking waters used by farm animals grazing on Heliotrope or Ragwort.
  • Do not use on areas where aquatic birds are feeding on algae.
  • Water treated with Cupricide is suitable for use on plants eg. watering of sports grounds and ornamental plants.

Use less chemical by adding Biostim Accelerator

We recommend using Cupricide in conjunction with Biostim Accelerator, a natural catalyst. This allows you to achieve the same result with less chemical. Biostim Accelerator radically improves the effectiveness of herbicides and algaecides by feeding bacterial populations which break down the slime layer that forms on plants and algae. This hard-to-penetrate slime layer is often the reason why so much chemical is needed in the first place—because you have to break through it to get the chemical in contact with the plant or algae. Learn more

Weight 28 kg
Dimensions 29 × 29 × 38 cm

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