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- Algae Outbreak

Hydroponics Farm
Mark from Parkland Australia contacted us on behalf of his client who runs a hyrdroponics farm. Here, excellent water quality standards are a must to make sure the plants are happy. His customer experienced problems with high nutrients and low oxygen levels which was throwing their precious water quality out of whack. They began experiencing algae growth and fish kills. This needed to be solved quickly and to an excellent standard, while keeping well within the budget of the customer.
Mark contacted us requesting a solution and spoke with Kim and Scott. After careful analysis of the system by Water Quality Solutions, Mark proceeded with the installation of two Airolator Aquarian Professional aeration systems and the recommended biological treatments. The water quality quickly improved, and the algae cleared leaving the water beautiful and the plants thriving.
Mark is very pleased with the expertise and customer service he received from the team at Water Quality Solutions.

Private Wildlife Sanctuary, Queensland
Our client, the owner of a beautiful private wildlife refuge in sunny Queensland, houses a vast number of brilliant birds on their dam. They came to us with symptoms of very thick, paint-like blue green algae. This came about due to bird poop! They go to the potty more often than most other animals on our planet so excess waste falling to the bottom of the dam was destroying the water body.
These eco-friendly property owners were not going to use any chemical treatments, so they came to us to clean up the water using biological methods. An intensive program of water treatments combined with aeration swiftly removed the algae.
Today, the dam’s population of beneficial bacteria continue to keep algae starved of its nutrient supply, thereby limiting its return. Friendly bacteria = 1 Algae = 0!

Qatar National Museum
We were involved with the Qatar National Museum over a number of years; assisting in a design for an aeration system suitable for their extraordinary man-made lagoon, supplying the equipment and remotely advising the civil construction company installation best practice.

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre is a newly completed complex in Athens which includes new facilities for the National Library of Greece and the National Opera, as well as the 210,000 m² Stavros Niarchos Park that comprises a 400m show piece lagoon. Water Quality Solutions was involved in this project from its inception assisting architects with a suitable aeration design through to supplying equipment and advising the civil construction company on how to best install the aeration system.

Papua New Guinea
Stay tuned for the update

Kinross Egg Farm
Kinross Egg Farm is a family owned business that has been producing high quality googies for over 40 years! They called us when they noticed settling and foaming in their tanks as well as discolouration in their lagoon water…all topped off with a BAD SMELL!
Our diagnosis? Elevated levels of ammonia and filamentous bacteria that occurred during the cooler months.
The first port of call was installing an aeration system for the the tank to knock down ammonia levels. A second aeration system was put into the lagoon to degrade the BOD and reduce the population of odour producing anaerobic bacteria.

Yabby Dam Farms
Yabby Farm Dams is owned by Mr. Pat Driscoll, who rears champion harness racers. He spotted harmful algae blooms springing up in his horse training pool. This was due to wee! When horses swim, they often do their business while they’re in the water. Urine and faecal pollution becomes a problem in stagnant water bodies.
For our treatment plan we identified aeration as one of the tools to process the waste and prevent the onset of waterborne diseases HOWEVER the system needed to be free of any equipment, wire or power so the horses were not endangered. The closest power supply was 70m away, so a

Sentosa Cove
In Singapore we assisted one of our international clients win a competitive bid to supply surface aerators for a water treatment project at the glamorous Sentosa Cove. Our appointment by Airolator Corporation (USA) as their worldwide distributor to countries using a 50Hz power supply, shows the confidence our partners have in our ability to service an increasing number of international clients.

Lemura Sand
Yes, Crocodiles! Lemura Sand is a gardening equipment supplier in Queensland. They came to us after having suffered poor water quality, low oxygen levels and associated issues in their dam including odour, algae. Not to mention Crocodiles posing a safety risk and were in huge numbers due to lethargic, easily caught fish. In an effort to improve oxygen levels, Lemura were using a diesel-powered water pump, a method that was highly ineffective and costing them over $2,000 a month to run!
After contacting us and having a solar powered Vertex Britestar 3 aeration system installed and application of Dazzle Fresh, within 2 days the water quality drastically exceeded the customer expectations, the oxygen levels were higher than the legal minimum requirements and the algae and odour subsided. The crocodiles could not longer catch the rejuvenated fish and so they left the site completely!

Santos Narrabri
Our Aquatic Specialists travelled to Narrabri to assist our client, Santos, install high-powered aeration.

Violia Green Waste Plant
Our client, Veolia Water Bulla operates one of Melbourne’s largest green waste recycling plants. They were suffering symptoms such as high ammonia and BOD levels in their leachate pond; it was capturing a nasty liquid that was being produced as part of their recycling process.
Our treatment plan consisted of a low cost, low power consuming aeration system that was easy to install by their own team as well as a biological treatment program to help process organic load. Lastly, high ammonia levels were targeted with a liquid blend of Vitastim Nitrifiers and Ammonia Assimilator.
A dramatic, sudden reduction of ammonia has resulted!